Kimberly-Clark de México, S. A. B. de C. V. (OTCMKTS:KCDMY) Reaches New 1-Year Low – Should You Sell?

Kimberly-Clark de México, S. A. B. de C. V. (OTCMKTS:KCDMYGet Free Report)’s stock price hit a new 52-week low during mid-day trading on Tuesday . The company traded as low as $6.63 and last traded at $6.83, with a volume of 98927 shares traded. The stock had previously closed at $6.80.

Kimberly-Clark de México, S. A. B. de C. V. Trading Up 0.4 %

The company has a market cap of $4.22 billion, a P/E ratio of 9.27 and a beta of 0.83. The business has a fifty day moving average price of $7.50 and a 200-day moving average price of $8.54. The company has a quick ratio of 1.15, a current ratio of 1.34 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 3.27.

Kimberly-Clark de México, S. A. B. de C. V. (OTCMKTS:KCDMYGet Free Report) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, October 17th. The basic materials company reported $0.16 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter. Kimberly-Clark de México, S. A. B. de C. V. had a return on equity of 147.20% and a net margin of 14.67%. The company had revenue of $695.78 million during the quarter.

Kimberly-Clark de México, S. A. B. de C. V. Announces Dividend

The firm also recently declared a dividend, which will be paid on Thursday, December 12th. Stockholders of record on Wednesday, December 4th will be given a $0.1229 dividend. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Tuesday, December 3rd. Kimberly-Clark de México, S. A. B. de C. V.’s payout ratio is 14.86%.

Kimberly-Clark de México, S. A. B. de C. V. Company Profile

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Kimberly-Clark de México, S. A. B. de C. V., together with its subsidiaries, manufactures, distributes, and markets disposable products in Mexico. The company offers baby diapers, training pants, swim pants, wet wipes, shampoos, creams, bar soaps, and feeding products. It also provides toilet papers, napkins, facial tissues, paper towels, feminine pads, panty liners, tampons, intimate wipes, and menstrual cups.

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