iBio, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:IBIO) Sees Significant Decrease in Short Interest

iBio, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:IBIOGet Free Report) was the target of a large decrease in short interest during the month of October. As of October 31st, there was short interest totalling 260,100 shares, a decrease of 15.5% from the October 15th total of 307,800 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 121,300 shares, the short-interest ratio is presently 2.1 days. Approximately 2.9% of the company’s shares are short sold.

iBio Stock Down 3.9 %

iBio stock traded down $0.09 during mid-day trading on Monday, reaching $2.19. 36,825 shares of the company traded hands, compared to its average volume of 1,172,959. iBio has a 52-week low of $1.02 and a 52-week high of $6.12. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.04, a current ratio of 0.91 and a quick ratio of 0.91.

iBio Company Profile

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iBio, Inc, a preclinical stage biotechnology company, engages in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) antibodies solutions for cancer, and other diseases. The company’s technology platforms include EngageTx that provides improved CD3 T-cell engager antibody panel; ShieldTx, an antibody masking technology that enables the creation of conditionally activated antibodies; StableHu, an AI antibody-optimizing technology; and AI epitope steering technology that guides antibodies against the desired regions of the target protein.

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