Redcentric (LON:RCN) Shares Cross Below Two Hundred Day Moving Average – Here’s Why

Redcentric plc (LON:RCNGet Free Report) shares crossed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 135.15 ($1.76) and traded as low as GBX 117 ($1.52). Redcentric shares last traded at GBX 117 ($1.52), with a volume of 2,798 shares trading hands.

Redcentric Trading Down 2.8 %

The company has a current ratio of 0.77, a quick ratio of 0.34 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 138.57. The firm has a market capitalization of £181.65 million, a P/E ratio of -5,725.00 and a beta of 0.13. The business has a 50 day moving average of GBX 124.88 and a 200-day moving average of GBX 134.88.

Redcentric Increases Dividend

The business also recently disclosed a dividend, which will be paid on Friday, January 24th. Stockholders of record on Thursday, December 12th will be given a dividend of GBX 2.40 ($0.03) per share. This is an increase from Redcentric’s previous dividend of $1.20. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, December 12th. This represents a dividend yield of 1.83%. Redcentric’s dividend payout ratio is currently -20,000.00%.

Insider Activity at Redcentric

In other Redcentric news, insider David Senior sold 39,568 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Friday, August 23rd. The stock was sold at an average price of GBX 132 ($1.72), for a total transaction of £52,229.76 ($67,989.79). 21.97% of the stock is currently owned by insiders.

Redcentric Company Profile

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Redcentric plc provides IT managed services for public and private sector in the United Kingdom. It offers connectivity, software-defined wide area network (WAN), local area network (LAN), managed WAN and LAN, secure remote access, network connectivity options, secure remote and internet access, HSCN and public cloud connectivity, cellular MPLS primary and failover, WAN insight, and managed wireless networking services; and colocation, infrastructure as a service, hybrid cloud, platform as a service, digital transformation consultancy, modern workplace, managed public cloud, backup as a service, disaster recovery as a service, virtual desktops, full stack managed service, OS level managed service, e-commerce and SAP hybris, application modernisation and services experts, database administration, AI and machine learning, and cloud migration and consultancy services.

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